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Villa Private

Designed by

Marc Mark, Pia Mark, Mark Studios

Mark Studios, 2021


Villa Private


Interior Design Category


Wattens, Austria


Marc Mark, Pia Mark, Mark Studios



Mark Studios, 2021
Mark Studios, 2021
Mark Studios, 2021
Mark Studios, 2021

Mark Studios, 2021

Photo Credits:

Marc Mark, Pia Mark, Mark Studios


The design of a villa for a Tyrolean entrepreneur is a testament to cultural openness and cosmopolitan living. The design subtly quotes places from our world and their memories. In the kitchen, French extravagance meets London pub history. It is the centre of the home, bringing family and friends together. The view from the pub is of a marble wall that runs along the corridor and is broken at the end by a seating niche.
Mirrors and brass details give the house its unique character. The bathroom, accessed through a dressing room, offers a unique view of the private grounds through a large window. Italian marble and Venetian mirrors express the emotional world of the family who love to spend their holidays here. Welcome the world to your home and create a special atmosphere.

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