The Color of Dawn
Designed by
The Color of Dawn
Interior Design Category
Taiwan, Taipei City
Chia-I Tsai, Pin Zhi Lin
Andy Chang
Photo Credits:
Different tones of orange scattered in the space, symbolizing the warmth of the sun and light up the room, connecting the space through light. Curves are added into the wall and floor design, softening the edges and emphasizing the calmness like the morning sun. While walking into the master bedroom, the color shifts to a darker palette, mimicking the peaceful ambience of a silent night, and offers the residents a place to rest.
Legendary architect Le Corbusier described his technique to create a perfect housing with five principles in his famous essay “Five Points of Architecture”. The designer applies the principles in the project in hoping to create the best home for the residents. By reducing the partitions such as walls and partitions, the plan is more open and more nature light can shine in. As a thirty-year-old-house renovation project, the key is to build a solid foundation, modify the appearance of house, and focus on long-term preservation. Therefore, the designer chooses to use durable materials such as valchromat, and the combinations of colors are used for durability and natural-liking.