Silhouette of Moonlight
Designed by
Yunding Interior Design Co., Ltd

Silhouette of Moonlight
Interior Design Category
Taiwan, Taipei
Yunding Interior Design Co., Ltd
Jacky Chang

Yunding Interior Design Co., Ltd
Photo Credits:
Yunding Interior Design Co., Ltd
The designer exploits the delicate linear scheme of bright and clear white hue, as well as to match the light-colored furnishing, so that create a charming ageless mansion. The pure tinge and the distinguished art decors couple with multifarious materials, successfully bring about the tranquil and pleasing circumstance.
Make use of the plain trims instead of carve pattern to echo the concise snow-white tonality. The constitution elements of high ceiling, surrounding hue, and selected molding, all of them jump off the intermixed decoration and manifest the elegant and noble situation.
Depart from the conventional pattern of the contrast dark-light hue, but adopt the pure elegant scheme, and gently incorporate with the classical elements and minimalist American style.
The Granite marble of light-gray texture glitters underneath the lights that forms the harmonious tone, moreover, enriches the visual perception of the whole space, and meantime generates the genteel atmosphere of cool tone.