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Opulence Purity

Designed by

Dumas Interior Design Group

Kuo-Min Lee


Opulence Purity


Interior Design Category


Taiwan, Taichung City


Dumas Interior Design Group


Yu-Lin Shih, Ling-Chun Tseng


Kuo-Min Lee
Kuo-Min Lee
Kuo-Min Lee
Kuo-Min Lee

Kuo-Min Lee

Photo Credits:

Dumas Interior Design Group


When the space is squeezed and crumbled by various substances, it will lose its essence. Only through continuous simplification and refinement can we find the purest beauty of taste. The designer creates a simple and modern house, and uses pure colors and clean lines to control the entire space. The large-scale opening of the window not only introduces light, but also brings the green plants outside the window into the room, adding a touch of vitality to the landscape. The architectural structure is used to partition the space blocks to create a quiet life with a sense of texture.

The entrance hall is spacious, with a glass wall extending over the entire side. The penetrating floor-to-ceiling windows extend the vision, and the architectural structure causes the line of sight to pass through the glass, and after crossing the promenade, it falls into another glass window on the opposite side, which opens the view and is interesting at the same time. The entire public space is also lit up. Large-area opening windows bring in daylight and inject the greenery of the sky garden into the space.

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