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No.0 Intimate Cleanser

Designed by

Love Dear

Taizzy CO., LTD


No.0 Intimate Cleanser


Packing Design Category




Love Dear




Taizzy CO., LTD
Taizzy CO., LTD
Taizzy CO., LTD
Taizzy CO., LTD

Taizzy CO., LTD

Photo Credits:

Love Dear


The No.0 Intimate Cleanser’s pH is close to females’ intimate part and contains 98% of natural materials; the warm tangerine-colored packaging represents the gentleness of feminine care.
The product’s envelop-like graphic design is adorned with a hot-foiled postmark while icons are printed to symbolize the plant extracts, connecting feminine care with lifestyle with warmth.
The graphic design is screen-printed on the bottle to prevent bathing wetting.
Although most feminine washes on the market have a sense of professionalism by printing imageries and designing typesettings, they lack conveying the essence -- implicating the self-caring attitude in intimate cleaning.
Meanwhile, those products mostly paste the packaging with designed stickers, neglecting the environmental conditions of bathrooms, where most customers apply the product; those stickers will quickly rot and lose their aesthetic over time.
Using washes should be a graceful and proud action, yet in the early days in Asia, feminine care was a private, even an ashamed, topic. We hope to deliver this ethical concept using the colors and the envelop design on our packaging; there is no need to be embarrassed for self-caring

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