Interior Design for Business Link, High5ive
Designed by
FBT Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki & FRUIT ORCHARD Interior Design

Interior Design for Business Link, High5ive
Interior Design Category
High5ive, Pawia 9 Cracow, Poland
FBT Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki & FRUIT ORCHARD Interior Design
Anna Federowicz-Tomaszewska, Katarzyna Miastkowska-Wujec, Monika Tutaj-Wojnowska

Photo Credits:
FBT Pracownia Architektury i Urbanistyki & FRUIT ORCHARD Interior Design
While creating the office in High5ive building in Cracow we sought for both intimated, tranquile areas for quiet conversations and co-working based spaces. The aim was to separate them with greenery zones or partitioned walls called ‘verticals’ deliberately composed with plants. The majority of the workplace character stays in bright outcome, mostly white colour - which in connection with various, colourful carpets, sofas and design items gives an impression of a carefully designed eco-space. To emphasize it, the design offers its tenants many ‘soft areas’, which have an oriental character. The common areas, full of different colours, promote a magnificent opportunity for innovatory ideas, mind freedom and unique business relations. The dominant art elements like murals or paintings of well-known Polish artists helped to achieve a sensational interior atmosphere, where acceleration and development of co-working is possible. This is the place, which feels like home and art gallery at the same time and allows you to fulfil your passions. We endeavour for workplace design, which blurs the boundaries between passion and work, necessity and pleasure.