Art is Life
Designed by
Hot Koncepts Design Ltd
Art is Life
Interior Design Category
Ningbo, China
Hot Koncepts Design Ltd
Martin Chow, Alline Wang
Liu Ying
Photo Credits:
Hot Koncepts Design Ltd
The project is a demonstration unit in Ningbo, China. The designer would like to propose new living style to the local customers. After the research and many layout options, the interior finally fits 2 bedrooms, 1 studio, 1 living room, 1 dinning area, 1 kitchen, 2 washrooms and 1 long balcony within the limited space. Besides, "Art" approach theme was proposed as the local customers like to have better lifestyle throught buying new apartment. Home is not only the place for sleeping and eating, it is the common space for the family and show owners' taste. Therefore, art approach can help to upgrade the living standard and the property itself.